Friday, May 16, 2008

The Five Biggest Mistakes Made In Home Based Business

This article will have a brief overview of the top five mistakes people make in a home based business. There are many obstacles to the new guy or gal in home business. I hope to help you alleviate the pain of failure with this time proven analogy concerning the top five mistakes made in home based business.
The fifth most common mistake is program jumping. Many of the people I sign up in a home based business are constantly jumping around and trying to find the magic business that runs on auto pilot. This is a big mistake and ends up costing them money instead of doing what they intended and that is making money!
The fourth most common mistake is being overly concerned with the products. I current generate cash with an opportunity that has NO products. The average business opportunity buyer is concerned with making money first then the basis for the business. Since most business opportunities are all sizzle and little steak, the most important thing to be concerned with is will this business produce money for you.Getting tied up in only one aspect of the business, in this case the products, causes more frustration that it is worth.Bottom line, will the business make money?
The third most common mistake is not having a solid plan and goals. You must set out a plan of action and stick to it. Set lofty goals and try to achieve the impossible. This is how fortunes are made. Money is lost when there is no solid plan and goals have not been set.
The second biggest mistake people make in a home based business opportunity is the marketing. You sponsor should play a huge role in your marketing plan. You cannot rely on free advertisements alone. That is failure waiting to happen. You must test your paid advertisements and continue to tweak them until they draw in the prospects and cash you desire. Target market and you will not regret it!
The first and biggest mistake people make in a home business is picking the wrong sponsor. If you are failed by your sponsor, you have no hope of success. Your sponsor must be success oriented and have a strong marketing plan in effect for you to follow. Do your due diligence and research your sponsor and their success. You need to pick a sponsor who actually generates wealth, not a smooth talker who can convince you of something you do not really believe!
Randy Naimo
cash gifting

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